Please visit the Police Desk to complete a local criminal history request, a valid picture ID is required.

The fee is $7.00.

Acceptable forms of ID include: Valid State ID Card or Driver’s License, Valid Military ID Card, Valid passport with the Homeland Security Seal stamped. Questions can be directed to 260-427-1222 or 260-427-1340.

This local criminal history request only reflects criminal history from the Fort Wayne Police Department. Should you need a criminal history request form from other agencies contact the Indiana State Police for a Limited Criminal History (LCH).

This Limited Criminal History (LCH) from the Indiana State Police contains only felony and Class A misdemeanor arrests in Indiana. Completeness of the information is based on county participation.

To request an LCH, you can either pay online with a credit card or submit a money order payable to “State of Indiana” in person or by mail to:

Indiana State Police
Criminal History, Limited Check
P.O. Box 6188
Indianapolis, IN 46206
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any questions.