Boys and Girls Club of Fort Wayne

Boys and Girls Club of Fort Wayne

Dropping the puck for the Fort Wayne Komets

Officer Appreciation Day

Officer Appreciation Day

Officer Appreciation Day at Concordia Lutheran School

Blue Bucket Brigade

Blue Bucket Brigade

"Star Wars Night" at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum.

Community Connection

Community Connection

Officer Chiu enjoying a lemon shake-up while helping out some young entrepreneurs on a warm sunny day.

Procedural Justice Class

Procedural Justice Class

FWPD's Procedural Justice/Use of Force presentation with Ten Point Coalition members.

Officer Appreciation Day

Officer Appreciation Day

Officer appreciation day held at Concordia Lutheran Elementary.

Habitat for Humanity Community Build

Habitat for Humanity Community Build

In late July 2020l Habitat for Humanity of Greater Fort Wayne partnered with FWPD, Fort Wayne UNITED, and Youth for…

Habitat for Humanity Panel Build

Habitat for Humanity Panel Build

Sergeant Rosales-Scatena and Officer Lisa Woods at the Habitat Panel Build project.

New FWPD Recruitment Team

New FWPD Recruitment Team

Meet the Department's new Recruitment Team! Click slide to to learn more.


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The Community Outreach Division is commanded by Deputy Chief Mitchell McKinney, Captain Sofia Rosales-Scatena, Sergeants Jeremy Webb and Kerry Haywood, and Officer Lisa Woods.

The mission of the Community Relations Division is to bring the police department and the community together to facilitate a better understanding of what the department does through the organizing of events in collaboration with other specialty teams and their equipment.The FWPD supports community-oriented policing strategies. The main idea behind this strategy is to allow police to feel like the public can trust them.

The Community Relations Division can be reached at: 260-427-1207.

The Community Relations Division is comprised of following areas. For full details on each area please use the menu to the upper left.

  • Crime Prevention
  • Liaison Office
  • Public Information Office
  • Safety Education
  • School Resource Office (SRO)

These areas are staffed with (11) officers to include the division commander, a captain, (2) sergeants, (6) SROs, a safety village officer, and the liaison officer. All of the personnel are important in relating a positive message to the community in areas of enforcement, safety and community involvement.

 Please visit the Department's Facebook facebook page to see the latest community relations updates.

Thank you FlowersThank you FlowersThank you FlowersThank you Flowers