Life-Threatening Traffic Accident

Date: 1/26/25

Location: Hillegas Rd. & Stalf Ct.

Time: 8:35 pm


The Fort Wayne Police Department responded to reports of a traffic accident with injury in the area of Hillegas Rd. and Stalf Ct. January 26, 2025 at roughly 8:35 pm.  Preliminary information indicates that a red passenger car was traveling North bound on Hillegas Rd. driving recklessly, weaving in and out of traffic. A silver passenger car was attempting a right turn from a local business to go South bound on Hillegas Rd.  It is believed that the red car weaved into the silver car’s lane while the silver car was attempting the right turn causing the collision.  The adult female driver of the red car is in life-threatening condition and the driver of the other vehicle is in fair condition. It is unknown at this time if speed or alcohol were factors in the collision. 

Hillegas Rd. is currently closed between Coliseum Blvd. and Stalf Ct. while the traffic accident is being investigated.   This incident remains under investigation by the FWPD’s Fatal Accident Crash Team and the Allen County’s Prosecutor’s Office.