For Immediate Release

Date: July 30, 2024

Location: PFW Campus

Time: 7:17 am


Dekalb County Community Corrections called the Fort Wayne Police Department today at roughly 7:17 am, to assist in locating a Community Corrections adult male violator that failed to return to their custody.  Information was obtained that the violator was possibly armed with a gun.  The FWPD responded to an apartment complex near PFW to look for the suspect.  Dekalb Community Corrections requested PFW units check the campus for the suspect.    The suspect was located on PFW campus by PFW and FWPD officers.  The suspect failed to comply with verbal commands given by the officers.  The officers reported that the suspect was armed with a gun. Shots were fired and the suspect was struck.  Officers rendered medical aid to the suspect until relieved by medics.  Medics continued providing medical aid until it was  determined that the suspect succumbed to his injuries. 

This incident remains under investigation by the Fort Wayne Police Department, Purdue Fort Wayne Police Department, Allen County Coroner’s Office, and the Allen County Prosecutor’s office.  The Indiana State Police will conduct an independent investigation.